martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2008


Have spectacular images from the Iranian army, navy and air force, the food and the people of Iran.... beatiful!.....

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008

Hezbollah's victory:

The July 14 Sheij Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader, you affirmed that his guerillas had achieved a strategic victory against Israel – declaration this that generated a wave of celebrations at the Lebanese capital. “We were the winner of a war which the Arab armies were in defeated ( elks ), ” you indicated. He stated also that the moment did not become of turning on debates about the disarmament of the combatants of the guerilla. “ Who will defend the Lebanon in case of an offensive Israeli news?”, You indicated. “The Lebanese army and the international ranks are unable to protect the Lebanon.” Nasrallah added than the mass destruction once an expression of your failure was inflicted to the Lebanon for Israel era and impotence and promised that Hezbollah would help the Lebanese population in the task of reconstruction.

In reality, the plan of Israel to constrict the bombardment of his infrastructures and the blockage to the intervening Lebanon overland, sea and air, and it has been a failure to go back to the Moslem against the Christians. The Lebanese remained united during the war. Recent opinion polls indicate that 87 % of the Lebanese back up Hezbollah now, than, far from being that Israel and USA call a terrorist group, it is a political, social, cultural and military motion that it represents to the Lebanese shiíes. Besides, Israel has won the conviction of the world ( with USA'S very exception ) for his war crimes and the destruction of houses, bridges, roads, forests etc.

In this way, Israel cannot eliminate Hezbollah, because Hezbollah is established masses's organization. Hamas neither can be eliminated for the same reason. You have reinforced when Israel have attacked Hezbollah, however, your position in front of his domestic rivals, such like some Christian organizations Maronites, because the Christians' any opposition would make them Hezbollah seem treacherous and collaborating of the Israeli.

You do a decade, the Israeli used to talk of her “ Lebanese cursing.” They referred to with this term his disastrous military interventions in the Lebanon, that the fortresses did not produce nothing more than falls, thousands of million wasted dollars and political races and bankrupt armies officer. Now, the old cursing has acted again. The heroic and fierce resistance of some 3,000 Hezbollah's combatants, that have been able to require a force of 30,000 men strongly armed to leave, has electrified the Moslem world and horrified I eat to the Israeli that stupidly had underestimated to Hezbollah, postulate by luck organization “ terrorists' group.”

Hezbollah used his missiles antitank with a lethal efficacy. According to various sources, over 150 Israeli soldiers, including the ranks's 35 limbs of elite Golani, they died, the majority of them inside tanks Merkava, as a consequence of the shots of automatic and antitank Hezbollah's weapons. The reports also talk that wounded persons' number would have passed over 400. In like manner, over 100 tanks Merkava, 46 bulldozers and 34 armored vehicles were destroyed. Besides, when throwing a large number of missiles against the Israeli territory, Hezbollah has managed to break off caning of conventional dissuasion of Israel. This fact has been a middle part of the conflict and has had a deep effect on its result.

Hezbollah's resistance has inspired and enthusiastic to young Arab people's new generation that they see beyond your present-day subjugation and aspire to liberate to his countries of the control of the corrupt pro-North American regimens, whose treason to the Arab lawsuits and Moslem you have left them at proof in front of the worldly eyes and, in particular, in front of his own towns.

In addition, the attempts of Israel to force his terms on the Lebanon or to redo this country's politic map, or enclosure imposing a force of the OTAN in the Lebanese south, they are not possible militarily neither politically reachable. Besides, the two Israeli prisoners, that were useful for in excuse the war, have not been freed. They will return only as a result of prisoners' interchange, exactly like Hassan Nasrallah you had proposed before the war.
In Israel exists a general atmosphere of disappointment and depression. The Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has become the principal objective of the media's acid criticisms and in the object of all jokes and jokes. Your rate of public approval the 40 % has fallen from 80 % of before the war even. So then, Israel is drowning as of the present moment in between a wave of collective anguish and self-pity. The defeat has made out little years the national sense of self-confidence. A joke that is spread in Israel indicates that Ariel Sharon's status had gotten worse all of a sudden “ because what was happening in the Lebanon found out.”

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

Important NEWS:

Please visit:

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

T-72 Tanks:

These tanks have been updated with systems of weapons but moderns which include radars of a bigger capability for the detection of enemy aircrafts, some include besides surface-to-air missiles for car defense of aerial enemy units.

New armament for the troops:

The united exercises finalized the Great Prophet, in hint to Mahoma, the fact that They Will Go developed at the Persian Gulf, where you have tested several signs of modern armament of national production. That way informed it the spokesman of exercises, rear admiral Mohammad Ebrahim Dehgani. The proofs included for air defense Misag to the missiles 1 once a system was equipped with of guided infrared characterized for your high velocity and maneuverability; The missile SL 10 surface-to-air to remote control with capability of being invisible for the radars; The missile Kowsar is a projectile land the sea of half a reach that can trick the radars as well as identifying targets and the Misaq and is a side arm with infrared guide and of easy operation. The essay of these missiles from Imamat's military base, at Yask's city, placed at Omán's coast of the sea, they have come true successfully, according to Iranian authorities. This activity took effect in pacific intentions ( UN ). In these exercises, that they began the March 31 and they finalized yesterday April 6 17,000 soldiers and 1,500 naval units took part in several types and sizes.

The Shahab missile system:

The Shahab the first missile of the program of long Iranian reach was 1. A Scud's light variant is B, which was acquired to Libya and Syria between 1985 and 1986. Your 300 km's reach allowed Iran catching up with Baghdad during the war Iran Iraq. It is estimated that during the war they threw to each other between 100 and 231 missiles Scud B.

They will go at a later time Scud received B of northern and possibly Soviet Korea. 1 between 1988 began to manufacture the Shabab and 1994 with the help of the North Korean.


The Iranian Shahab-4 missile is believed to be a derivation of the 1,350-1,500 kilometer range North Korean No-dong missile delivering a 1,000-760 kg warhead and the follow on Taep'o-dong-1/Paeutusan-1 launch vehicles. The first indications of the development of the Shahab-4 came in The Washington Times on September 11, 1997 when it stated the following: "The Shahab-3 and 4 programs appear to be getting considerable assistance from China and Russia."(1)

Iranian Shahab 3B Missile test fire:

AA - Anti-Aircraft portable missile system:

The Tor-M1, also known as Gauntlet SA-15, is designed to intercept targets at medium and low altitudes, including war planes and helicopters as well as cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

The system is carried on a tracked vehicle that can be moved from place to place. Ivanov characterized the weapons as purely defensive and dismissed suspicion they could make their way into the hands of Islamic terrorists.

Once deployed, however, the weapons would be added to the strategic mix as the United States and Iran posture in a diplomatic tussle over Iran's nuclear power program, which the Bush administration insists is a cover for nuclear weapons development.

Russian airplane going dawn:

While Washington says a military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities is not an option, fielding the Tor-M1 would no doubt make it tougher for anyone to destroy the controversial sites, or spy on them from low altitude. (taked from:

Soldiers of the revolutionary forces:

Soldiers of the revolutionary Iranian the military dressed with his dress uniforms, they are the persons in charge of controlling the internal certainty of our country.

Soldiers of IRAN:

These soldiers participate in the military parade of 2003



The soldiers of Allah:

These are Allah's soldiers!, Arranged to sacrifice his lives for the freedom of the Iranian and Palestinian town. Making out of maneuvers workout at the desert.

The Air Force of IRAN:

Our Air Force is the most numerous and better equipped of all of the region, we counted on huntings of national production like some models but ancient poporcionados for the Americans in the years 80s.



Anti Aircraft machine gun:

The Antiaircraft Machine Gun is the traditional method and one of them but cashes to the hour of defending the airspace of enemy incursions, in addition to your something inferior cost than anothers, how the missil systems.



Soldiers of the Hezbollah:

The most powerful soldiers in the whole world.



martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

Is wonderful to sacrifice for Allah:

Allah is the Supreme Being of infinite knowledge, the GOD what everything know, creator of the land and the sky, of plants and animals, all of the humanity's savior.